Frequently Asked Questions
about Measure H

What challenges does Butte County face?

Our County loses millions of dollars annually from State clawbacks and unfunded mandates that hurt the County’s ability to provide services at the levels residents want, need, and deserve. 

Butte County is a wonderful place to live, raise a family, and retire, but catastrophic fires, floods and droughts have created expensive challenges for our County.

Our revenues have simply not kept up with the cost to maintain even the current level of services we provide, even as the need for our services grows.

This has resulted in tough decisions & cutbacks to lower County expenses, including…

Fire Stations

Reducing Sheriff
deputies + staff

Limiting library
services + hours

How is the County addressing these challenges? 

To address these needs and keep locally controlled funding for essential services, the Butte County Board of Supervisors has placed Measure H, a one-cent sales tax, on the November 5, 2024 ballot

What would Measure H fund? 
Funding from Measure H will help Butte County 

abused or neglected children

emergency 911 response times

homelessness, mental health and addiction challenges

Attract & retain
qualified firefighters, EMTs, and Sheriff deputies

Prepare, respond, & recover from wildfire and natural disasters

How can I be sure funds are spent as promised? 

Measure H requires fiscal accountability protections, including mandatory public disclosure of all spending and independent financial audits.

By law, all funds must stay local for services in Butte County.

Would Measure H affect essential purchases like groceries and medicine? 

No. By law, everyday essential purchases like groceries, rent, diapers, feminine hygiene products and prescription medicine are exempt from Measure H, which helps ensure the cost is not a burden to those on fixed or limited incomes.

Who would pay for Measure H? 

Measure H will be paid for by anyone who shops in our County, meaning both residents and out-of-town visitors would pay sales tax on purchases.

Measure H ensures out-of-town visitors contribute to public safety services and other resources they utilize when they visit our County.

Could the State or County cut or take this local funding? 

No. By law, revenue from Measure H could not be taken by the State. All funding generated by the measure must stay here in Butte County. 

How many votes are needed for Measure H to pass? 

Measure H requires a 50%+1 Yes vote of the total votes cast in the November election to be approved. 

When will Measure H be on the ballot? 

Measure H will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot. 

Vote YES on Measure H

November 5, 2024

For more information about voting, visit the Butte County Clerk’s office website or call (530) 552-3400.